
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gluten Free, Sugar Free Peanut Butter Granola Bars


Here's something I put together the other day that was a big hit with my son!
organic peanut butter (just plain, nothing added)
one ripe organic banana
gluten free oats

I was in a hurry and not sure how they'd turn out, so I didn't write down measurements, but basically just take some oats in a bowl, then add some peanut butter, enough so that they are coated and will really stick together. Smash a banana and add to the mixture. This will add sweetness without having to add any more sweetner to it. You could add a few drops of stevia if you want them sweeter. My son isn't big on sweet flavors. You could also add raisins or dates to them to make them more sweet.
Form into bar or circle shapes and either bake in the oven until just browning or put in a dehydrator on 105 for a few hours.
I had no idea how simple it was to make granola bars until I did it.
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